I’m a testimonial to the amazing effects of cannabis dominant Sativa, Hybrids and Indica strains. I’ve tested them all and found Sativa works best for me during the day. Hybrids are just a combination of Sativa and Indica plant strains genetically blended into the plant. The dominant strain will give the desired effect. Sativa will Stimulate, Hybrids Relax and Indica sedate mind, emotions and body, in that order.
I’ve researched and connected to Cannabis and Hemp advocates for many years. This is a good time to offer my website, “CannabisForSeniors.Org” for Cannabis/CBD information, resources and related articles from industry magazines. Including a DYI recipe for oral tinctures, topical oils, cookies and creams. DYI is the economical way to go and save money!
CBD’s (cannabinoids) and are present in all Cannabis strains, including Hemp plant strains. When I refer to Hemp I’m talking about Industrial Hemp that has no psychotropic effect. Our farmers will soon be able to commercially grow and sell to Hemp and CBD markets.