
This book on the subject of Rock Yoga is intended to be a field manual on the theory and practice of this transforming exercise technique. Here is an excerpt from the books introduction:

"Inspired by the forces of nature and a wonderful sensation of well being. I sought the sublime way of nature through adaptation, touch and body position on various rock formations.

My discovery was an energetic connection with rocks that has given me the wisdom to share this incredible experience with you. I practiced and experimented with this technique for more that 15 years.

Meanwhile gathering information from other sources on personal development of a physical, emotional and mental/spiritual nature.

Sacred exercises like this yoga technique have been performed by shamans, yogis and holy men from many ancient cultures throughout time. Stones have always been used in ritual and carried for personal use and protection.

The magical vibration of this planet has given rise to such sacred rock formations like Mount shasta, California and Pena Bernal, Queretero in Central Mexico. Natural rock formations on the ocean front, in the desert, rivers and mountains are ideal locations to practice Rock Yoga. You do not have to be a practitioner of traditional yoga or meditation to practice or benefit from Rock Yoga.

It helps to be physically in shape in order to walk or climb to those wonderful rock forms that hold your interest. It is important to feel comfortable and confident where you perform Rock Yoga.

Relax, focus and use your imagination, the rest will come naturally. Once you connect with the energy from the rock form with your body, you will discover brother stone everywhere to warm your heart and nuture your spirit".

You have nothing to lose but stress and tension and everything to gain from practicing Rock Yoga. I have included some examples of Rock Yoga positions in the Picture Gallery section. Please have a look and enjoy the many benefits of using Kana's Rock Yoga field manual.
Last updated July 26/2001
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